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What Your Contribution Can Do:

Recruitment and Training of Citizen Journalists

What does this entail? 

The recruitment and training of a citizen journalist involves several specific tasks aimed at identifying, preparing, and equipping individuals to effectively report on grassroots realities and grassroots opportunities for economic empowerment and ecosystem restoration. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the tasks involved:

  1. Recruitment Process
  2. Outreach and Selection:
  • Task: Conduct outreach to target communities, especially those living in conflict prone areas and areas suffering from ecosystem degradation.
  • Cost Elements:
    • Advertising (world of mouth, social media, local radio, and flyers).
    • Engagement with local organizations to identify potential candidates.
    • Administrative costs for application collection and review.
  • Estimated Time: Rolling (ongoing).
  • Outcome: Shortlist of candidates based on location, language fluency, smartphone literacy, existing activism and proven interest in citizen journalism.


  1. Screening and Interviews:
  • Task: Screen applications and conduct interviews (both in-person through proxies and virtual) to assess qualifications, including the ability to report, language fluency, smartphone literacy, existing activism and proven interest in citizen journalism.
  • Cost Elements:
    • Communication costs (calls, virtual platform usage).
    • Volunteer support costs.
  • Estimated Time: Rolling (ongoing).
  • Outcome: Selection of capable, passionate and committed citizen journalists with proven track record.


  1. Training Preparation
  2. Curriculum Development:
  • Task: Develop and translate a citizen journalism training curriculum. The curriculum covers fundamental reporting skills effective content creation, phone-based editing of audio and video stories, ethical journalism, ecosystem knowledge, digital storytelling and transformative pan-Africanism.
  • Cost Elements:
    • Expertise in developing curriculum content.
    • Materials (handbooks, guides, multimedia tutorials).
  • Estimated Time: by October 31st 2024.
  • Outcome: A structured training module that provides citizen journalists with foundational knowledge and skills.


  1. Logistics Planning:
  • Task: Organize logistics for the training sessions (both online and in-person).
  • Cost Elements:
    • Venue booking (for proxy in-person sessions).
    • Online platform subscription.
    • Coordination of trainers and materials.
  • Estimated Time: by November 30th 2024
  • Outcome: Training dates, locations, and trainer availability confirmed.


  1. Training Sessions
  2. Basic Citizen Journalism Reporting:
  • Task: Introduce the fundamentals of citizen journalism, including:
    • Reporting ethics.
    • Smartphone-based reporting
    • Conflict dynamics
    • Ecosystem knowledge and the importance of restoration.
  • Cost Elements:
    • Trainer fees.
    • Training materials (presentation slides, printed materials).
  • Duration: 1-2 days.
  • Outcome: Trainees understand key citizen journalism concepts and their reporting responsibilities.


  1. Practical Reporting Skills:
  • Task: Provide hands-on training on:
    • Observation techniques.
    • Interview skills.
    • Data collection methods (audio/video recording).


  • Cost Elements:
    • Relevant hardware and software (smartphones, smartphone editing software).
    • Trainer fees.
  • Duration: 1-2 days.
  • Outcome: Trainees gain practical experience in reporting and documenting local issues.


  1. Digital Storytelling and Multimedia Production:
  • Task: Teach participants how to create compelling stories using:
    • Smartphone photography and videography.
    • Social media distribution and engagement.
    • Foundational editing skills for audio and video.
  • Cost Elements:
    • Digital editing software licenses.
    • Technical trainers.
  • Duration: 1-2 days.
  • Outcome: Citizen Journalists can produce and distribute high-quality multimedia content to support their stories.


  1. Post-Training Support
  2. Mentorship and Guidance:
  • Task: Provide ongoing mentorship from Environmental Africa, including:
    • Editorial feedback on stories.
    • Support in crafting narratives using both anecdotal evidence and scientific data.
    • Syndicate distribution of stories.
  • Cost Elements:
    • Communication and coordination costs.
    • Editorial expertise fees and volunteer stipends.
  • Estimated Time: Ongoing (for at least 6 months post-training).
  • Outcome: Citizen Journalists receive continuous guidance to improve their reporting and distribution.


  1. Equipment Allocation:
  • Task: Provide basic equipment such as:
    • Smartphones for recording audio, video, and taking photos.
    • Data bundles for internet research, posting stories, engaging viewers/readers and digital communication.
    • Airtime for local communication
  • Cost Elements:
    • Smartphones ($70 each).
    • Data plans or internet access fees.
    • Airtime purchase
  • Estimated Time: Within 1 month of training completion.
  • Outcome: Citizen Journalists are equipped with the tools they need to start reporting and distributing their stories.

Summary of Tasks:

  1. Recruitment:
    • Outreach and selection.
    • Screening and interviews.
  2. Training Preparation:
    • Curriculum development.
    • Logistics planning.
  3. Training Sessions:
    • Citizen Journalism basics.
    • Practical reporting skills.
    • Digital storytelling and multimedia production.
    • Transformative pan-Africanism
  4. Post-Training Support:
    • Mentorship and editorial guidance.
    • Equipment allocation.

Each task is designed to ensure that citizen journalists are not only well-trained but also supported in producing high-quality, impactful stories.